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Package be.lassi.ui.patch

Implements the Patch window which can be used to assign logical channels to dmx dimmer channels.


Class Summary
FadeTimeMenu Menu from which some standard small fade times can be selected.
GetPatch Generates the lanbox commands that are needed to load the entire patch information; and processes the command responses.
LayerMenu Menu from which a Lanbox layer can be selected.
PatchActions User interface that allows the user to assign channels to dimmers.
PatchChannelTableModel Table model that provides access to information about the channels in the currently selected group.
PatchChannelTransferable Wrapper arround a collection of Channel objects to support tranfer operations.
PatchChannelTransferHandler Handles the transfer of channel data to and from the channel table in the patch frame.
PatchDetail Patch information for a dimmer.
PatchDetailTableCellRenderer Renders patch detail table cells; sets the cell background to pink if the show patch information matches the patch information in the lanbox.
PatchDetailTableModel Instances of this class can be interrogated by JTable to find the information needed to display variables in tabular format.
PatchDetailTransferable Wrapper arround a collection of PatchDetail objectss to support tranfer operations.
PatchDetailTransferHandler Handles the transfer of patch details to and from the patch detail table in the patch frame.
PatchFrame User interface that allows the user to assign channels to dimmers.
PatchFrameTransferHandler Supports drag-and-drop operations on the patch frame; unpatches dimmers that are dragged on the patch frame.
PatchMenu User interface that allows the user to assign channels to dimmers.
PatchPreferences Preferences for patching.
PatchPresentationModel Presentation model for user interface that allows the user to assign channels to dimmers.
PatchView User interface that allows the user to assign channels to dimmers.

Package be.lassi.ui.patch Description

Implements the Patch window which can be used to assign logical channels to dmx dimmer channels. patch model

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Lighting Assistant 1.2